
At The Free School Norwich, we place great importance on good attendance and punctuality. We know that a child’s attendance has a direct impact on their learning. Children who are regularly absent from school and consistently late often do not achieve their potential and can fall behind with their learning.

To support the school and your child’s learning, please ensure that they attend regularly, arrive ready to learn, and are on time. Frequent absence can result in a considerable amount of lost learning, which can significantly disadvantage your child in adult life. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their child attends school.

Reporting Absence

Parents must inform the school office of their child’s absence from school before 8:50am either via the office phone (01603 761044) or email (

If a child is absent from school without a reason being provided, the office staff will contact parents to ascertain the reasons for the absence.

Furthermore, if a child is absent without a reason being provided, school staff may carry out a welfare visit to the home address or request that the police carry out a welfare visit if necessary.

The attendance rate of all children is regularly monitored. If there is a significant issue with attendance, parents will be contacted by letter and asked to meet with a school representative to discuss the matter. If no improvement is made, we are obliged to follow Norfolk County Council procedures, which may result in parents receiving a fine.

Term-time absence 

Holidays in term time cannot be authorised.

Permission for term-time absence will only be authorised  if there are exceptional circumstances. A request form must be submitted to the Principal via the school office with full details of the reasons why a child needs to be absent from school. The Principal will respond to all requests as per our Communications Policy.

Please note, absence to observe certain major religious festivals may be authorised, however we are unable to authorise travelling days if families choose to go to another country or part of the UK to celebrate a festival.

Sickness & Medical Appointments

Ideally, medical appointments should be booked outside of school hours. If however you need to take your child out of school during the day for an appointment, we ask that you inform us in advance and come to the school office where you can sign them out. After a medical appointment, please bring your child back to the school office when they return.

If your child is going to be absent from school because they have a medical appointment, please bring any letters or appointment cards you have been sent or given to the school office. We are aware that for some appointments you may not have any documentation but please inform the office.  If we do not know why your child is not in school, their absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Persistent poor attendance can lead to parents receiving a fine as per Norfolk County Council procedures.