
Intent of Our Curriculum at The Free School Norwich

At The Free School Norwich, our passion for reading is at the heart of our educational mission. Our ultimate goal is to foster a love for reading in every child, ensuring they read fluently, confidently, and with genuine enjoyment. Recognizing that it is the gateway to comprehensive learning, we believe that a child’s proficiency in reading is the key to unlocking all future educational endeavours. Beyond academic benefits, we understand that reading contributes significantly to overall wellbeing, making it an essential life skill that we are dedicated to instilling in our students. 

In the core of our curriculum lies the commitment to see every pupil thrive socially and academically. Achieving this vision involves delivering high-quality teaching through an enriched, knowledge-led curriculum. We are dedicated to including all children, ensuring that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive the support needed for their success. 

Our broader aspirations extend beyond academic achievements. We aim to foster independent, critical thinkers—children who are not only ambitious but also emotionally resilient and equipped to make sound life choices. Encouraging positive relationships, our curriculum emphasizes the values of confidence, care, openness, and respect, fostering a harmonious learning environment. 

To cater to the diverse needs of our learners, our curriculum is designed to be inclusive and challenging.  We are a THRIVE school, with THRIVE principles deeply ingrained in our ethos and implemented throughout our entire school setting. The THRIVE approach is instrumental in cultivating confident, curious, creative, and capable children and young people. It equips them to embrace learning openly and better cope with the inevitable challenges of life. 

We are continually enhancing our understanding of how social and emotional learning develops, striving to provide effective support within our school. At The Free School Norwich, our commitment extends beyond THRIVE principles to a passion for holistic education. While our educational mission emphasizes fostering a love for reading, we recognize that this goes hand in hand with developing essential life skills.   At The Free School Norwich we are committed to delivering cultural capital by creating an inclusive and diverse learning environment that embraces the varied backgrounds and experiences of the children.  This commitment involves designing this curriculum to reflect the richness of global cultures, integrating diverse perspectives across subjects and celebrating cultural events throughout the academic year. The school actively engages with local communities to understand and incorporate their cultural practices, inviting guest speakers and organizing field trips to enhance students’ exposure to different traditions. Ensuring linguistic inclusivity, we offer a library stocked with diverse literature, and encourage family involvement in contributing to The Free School Norwich’s holistic approach. Arts, performances, and interactive projects provide platforms for students to express and celebrate their cultural identities. Moreover, cultivating a global awareness through discussions on relevant issues helps students connect their learning to the broader world, fostering empathy, understanding, and a well-rounded cultural capital that prepares them for life beyond the classroom. Our commitment lies in providing a well-rounded education that goes beyond academic achievement, ensuring that every child develops the cultural capital essential for success in an ever- evolving world.